Monday, 28 January 2013

Wedding in 3 days- Mad Hatter Tea Party Wedding

Keeping my head in the game- Bridezilla Journal

My tummy feel like..
 Butterflies pooping in there

Keep reminding myself its gonna be fine..
Keep calm

Keep playing the ceremony in my head...
Walking gracefully

Imagining the smile..
Genuine Smile

The Nikah...the most emotional part, even if i can't cry, i will try to cry a bit..just so people know that I'm serious and its a big deal for me.
Sarung Cincin
Salam and Pose for pic

Exchanging Hantaran...gonna do it at a home-stay  Since my house is bit unpresentable :p My in laws (to be) will not be please with it. Owh well. Its my wedding. Not theirs.

Picturing the look on everyone's face...
Kawen kawen kawen

Then have to quickly set up the pelamin myself on the same day..
Pelamin design from Ratio Design

The Mad Hatter Tea Party Table too..........^_^
Mad Hattet Tea Party Theme meja makan beradap

Then after setup.. have to go back home and finalize the songs..
wedding march and etc..

Prepare everything for D Day 3rd Feb 3013 (Wedding Reception)
...Steam iron the dress and groom's suit, practice to wear the veil.
My Irna la Perle dress

Wedding Opening Music...21st Century Fox Opening Scene
Wedding March... haven't decide yet

After that, tepung tawar.. I have no grudge on other sruff like the bunga rampai or the air mawar. But I just cant comprehend why they must throw rice.. therefore I substitute the rice with beads :)
Tepung Tawar

Then, the Makan Beradap...
Perfect deco..

Yes, things will be just fine ^__^. Ya Allah, terang kan hati ini, tenangkan jiwa ini.. lancarkanlah majlis kami.. I don't want any drama, I want everyone to be happy and share the joy with us. Ya Allah, I ask for peace. Peace. Amin.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Tudors - Awesome Costumes

I've been spending last two days watching the whole seasons of The Tudors on TubePlus
Owh I'm so in love with the costumes... The costumes shows in the above picture wasn't the best from the series thou. You can watch them yourselves for FREE here.

About this drama series... In short, any pretty girl who pass His Majesty eyes, played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers..will land on his bed. Yeah its a steamy drama, about love, lust and desperation to produce a male heir. Not to mention corruption of the church, politics and the religion mutation along the way. One day a priest can marry and have children and the next they are forbidden to do so. 

For me, two thumbs and two 'toes up' up for the costumes and the cast!!!! Fantabulosly awesome!!

It got me paranoid for a moment. It seems like to have a son is a big deal for men. This is the 21st century and those days are over. I hope :p

Make life worth living

The Incitement
Note to self :]
The Incitement

Friday, 25 January 2013

Hantaran Oh Hantaran

Was discussing with my boss. She is exited to help do it for me. She is the fresh item expert in the company. So she got me below stuff :

White Peaches..

White Peaches

Symbolizes Fertility

Autumn Royal Grape...

She wanted to give me more because she said 3 types is too stingy looking. But I insist on having a minimalist look. Less is more. 

Some more it has to fit into the glass below.. can check from my previous post on my Hantaran.
Hantaran buah

Wedding pumps in Alice in Wonderland sketch

I bought a plain 6" grey pump.. Since I lost the 'Alice In Wonderland' pendant (the one i intend to sew to my shoe) i suddenly got an idea to draw it with Alice's cartoon characters ^__^

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire cat

Alice and Ches

Alice and Ches

The Fat Boys
Tweedledum and Tweedledee

The Pocket Watch


The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit always in a hurry coloring page
The White Rabbit

Mad Hatter Tea Party

Alice is the guest of honor at the Mad Tea Party coloring page
The UnBirthday Party

Alice trying to open a small door coloring page
Alice and her curiosity

Gonna buy fabric black pen this weekend and start my project! Weee! Will post the final product!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Cute Baby Sleeping with Baby Bulldogs

Baby and Bulldog

Retard Buddies- Priceless

Daily Humor

Screw Sparta I will have a zombie wedding

Remember my entry about  Sloppy Joe ? They came back with new argument. This time something about the material. Saying its guys can't wear it. I know guys cannot wear silk...its HARAM. But Allah S.W.T & Rasulullah S.A.W forbid male to wear fabric made 100% from silk. Satin Silk is actually mix material. With the chemical process it went through, It shouldn't be call silk anymore. It is forbid because Male are not suppose to imitate female desire to dress up and wear expensive things. Fair enough. I don't argue with that, but his parents now demand for him to find a ready made Baju Melayu (which not gonna match my baju kurung) for the Nikah.

Owh this is how i feel..
This is Sparta!!!!!!

This is my chance to turn into one of these guys..

And gobble them up...
Eat them

Or torture them even more..
By having a wedding looking like this...
Get marry like this
Its like a dream come true.. ZOMBIE WEDDING... Me loikey! Gonna have to find a make up artist now.

Monday Blues Killer-Rude Immigration guy on MixFM

This is Me..
Online Personal Shopper

This is me..
Taking Note

This is me when my superior give me BS...
Da Hell?!

This is me when the Operation Department screwed up..

But I have NEVER ..
Yell at my customers
Or being rude of any kind... Regardless how much profit they bring me (even sometimes zero).

Last Monday 14th January 2013, while going to work.. I listened to JD and Dilly (the DJs) was talking about the thing they read on the newspaper. The headline said it only takes 45 mins to 1 hours time to make or renew a passport at the Immigration Department in Jalan Duta. JD was so exited to get his passport renew. He was talking about how much he travels and his passport is useless now that the cip inside is broken.

With high hope and excite, he called the Immigration Department to check if its true...(that the passport can be renewed within 1 hour top). Here goes the conversation.............some that I still remember..
*this is not 100% accurate but the main point is there*
Watch want?!
Operator : Awo... He's a Malay guy, I think he tries to say Hello..but he pronounce it lazily(i may exaggerate :P)
JD : Hello, is this the Immigration Department in Jalan Duta?
Operator : Yes, yes..
JD : OK, I just saw in the it true that it takes only 45 mins to 1 hour time to get a passport done?
Operator : ???....Can't remember what he said but JD have to repeat his question
JD : .....and so he did
Operator : No, no, no..2 hour, 2 hour.
JD : (in a very energetic way) Wow, that's good. Because my passport can no longer be use, I think the cip inside is broken already..
Operator : (sounded very very 'lemau')..You just come, Just come.
JD : So I just have to..
Operator : You come to kaunter, come to kaunter. Sounded irritated with this English speaking guy and just could't wait to hang up.
JD : (still energetic) Owh, thats great!! You are Encik?? he wanted to get the operator's name to thank him
The operator hung up before JD even finish his last sentence.

Then Dilly started to snap about how rude that operator was and there's a lot to do with his phone etiquette. JD tried to cover the situation and they talk about something else that morning.

Boy that conversation may be embarrassing to Malay people..government servant especially. BUT! He took away my Monday Blues. LOL! 

still...I wish he had given his name. I just want to say this, 


Well if you are reading this,
Please study the list below;

I will translate it in Bahasa Melayu when I have time ok Mr. Awo.

1. Answer as soon as possible. Whenever possible, don’t let the phone ring more than three times. You want to let your callers know their time is valuable. And, if you do miss a call, follow up as soon as you can. Don’t make them wait while you update your Facebook status. (We know it’s important to tell the world what you had for lunch, but it can wait until after the phone call, promise.)

2. Smile.  The positive energy from your smile will translate to the person on the other end of the phone. Seriously. You can thank us later when this good mojo helps you land that huge account and earn a big fat bonus.

3. Control your volume and speak clearly. This one might be a little tricky for some people. We all have our own ideas on appropriate volume. If the person you’re speaking with has trouble understanding what you’re saying, ask if you need to speak louder or softer. Speak slowly and enunciate your words.

4. Listen. If you need clarification on something the other person said, wait until they finish talking. They might actually answer your question if you give them time to complete their thought. Whatever you do, don’t interrupt. Moms everywhere will tell you that’s just plain rude.

5. Take notes. Don’t let the message get lost over the phone. Jot down details you need to remember. Calling again to ask for something like the project due date is workplace suicide. Okay, maybe that’s extreme, but you get the point.

6. Let them down gently.  When the phone call is finished, refrain from slamming the phone down. Hanging up is hard enough.

7. Treat your callers the way you want to be treated. The golden rule of business communication: if you would find the behavior rude, don’t do it.
We hope that now you won’t shudder at the ring of the telephone. Keep calm and pick up the phone. You can do it

The official BJC guide to telephone etiquette
(2012 edition, revised and abridged)

Hope you improve yourself Mr.Awo.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Some Random Stuff

Stuff I found on 9gag

I didn't even know peacocks could fly but here's one
Flying Peacock
Most Beautiful Horse In The World In Turkey
The Most Beautifu; Horse in the World in Turkey

I want this inflatable furniture when I own my house.

How To Never Give Up

1. Stay Alive - for as long as your internal organ still functioning, no reason not to.
Heart Heart
2. Lower Your Expectation - It is actually the strength you need to put up with human stupidity and own   limitations.

3. Stronger - Strong or not, its all in your head.
4. Persist - Stuck in the weeds?? Smoke the weeds! ^_^
5. Fake It - Imagery/Visualization and really feel it.
6. Don't Compare - Nobody really tell the whole truth about their painful journey.
7 The Dip - Get yourself some chips and dipping in the meantime.

Then you can enjoy your PRICE :)

Monday, 21 January 2013

The Happiest Country in The World-Malaysia

Malaysia is at number 17 out of 196 countries in the world. Not bad I guess.. I'm happy with that figure. That proves that there is not so many people like my bf's family.

It is 11 days to my wedding. Re-quoting from what his Aunt said.."For this coming wedding, the minimum requirement for handbag brand is Longchamp. Please stay out of the wedding hall without one." And that very same months she flew for Europe trip. Came back with lotsa LV, Prada, Longchamp, Juicy Couture and etc. Don't get me wrong, she's a nice person. Poor thing they have to conform to the society and own stuffs to feel accepted.

The Have and the Have Not
The most seen LV on the street
It is so kind of his Aunt to wait for 'my order' while she was there..I didn't order any ^__^. I will only buy Fossil or Braun Buffle. Just because I love leather bag and purse. Not that I wanna own some branded stuff. Plus they are not selling at Redonkilous price. Its Leather. Long lasting one too.
Braun Buffel
Not everyone can afford these things.. 5k++ for a bag?? Are you kidding me? How many people earn 10k on the monthly basis? To buy on credit is just sad. Thing is, if you can afford it, you want to buy it cause you like it, and you need it..then its ok. But if you want to own it for the sake of owning the brands, for me its just not right. Its so messed up. A messed up society I must say.

But anyway, its just my opinion. If owning this stuff made you happy, then go for it. :) If you do it to feel accepted into the higher rank of the society than its BS.

From my observation this attitude will eat you up inside. You will never satisfy with what you own. There will always new stuff on the market, and you will have to compete and own those things.

What pisses me off is my bf's comment on my way of dressing. I admit, I wasn't so sharp on the daily basis..It depends on my mood. I dressed up indoor most of the time. I must admit I'm  narcissistic. I will put on make up at home. Put on my Marilyn Monroe lipstick and cook in the kitchen ^_^... well that's me..heheheh. I enjoy looking at myself (its sound so wrong..I noe)..Point is, he wanna feel proud walking with me..showcasing me as his gf (wife to be is less than 2 weeks). That is also wrong. I don't dress up for all those people. I dress up for me. hahahahaha!.

I spent RM800 on the Preweding Props. Yet I never publish the photos for public viewing. I didn't do it for showing off. RM3700 for wedding gown. To satisfy me, myself and I ^_^. I'm not 'cheapsket'. I just refuse to conform to the society. Thats all.