Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Avengers

I just watched The Avengers again on blu-ray dvd yesterday.. Boy the graphic was awesome! There is one scene where Captain America order everyone to take their post. When it come to Hulk, all he say is.."Hulk, smash." And the green guy start smashing, and smashing..and smashing..and smashing...and again smashing. Till they won the battle.
Incredible Hulk
This scene is special to me. They would never have succeeded if not for Hulk. He is only good at smashing-when he turns green(he's a scientist in human form). And SMASHING he did. This humongous creature did what he does best, non stop. For better or worst, he get to be himself, he doesn't need to conform to the society and he eventually succeeded (thou in his own way). Yeah.. thanks to Loki, he get to show of his talent in the war right :p But still...this guy has now become my idol.

No wonder, even the class-A-moron that I used to know back in my high-school years has now made something out of himself. He 'SMASH' it. He finally found his strength and persevere along the journey.

I'm the confused coward. I love art, I enjoy art..I'm superb at it. But doesn't have the balls to peruse arts coz I wanna be able to pay my bills. LOL. I love money. Money makes me feel safe and secured. But it doesn't satisfy me, How much money is enough anyway?? I am grateful but I'm not content.

My findings- I need to 'SMASH'. smash, smash and smash.
Action- Will still keep my daytime job. Gonna keep chipping away to do what I love until it can sustain my needs :) InsyAllah.


Gambate!!! ^____^

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