Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Thank You Allah

Thank You Allah for my heart i still beating, the free air that I'm breathing, the health that I have today, the breakfast this morning, safely arrive to work and everyone I love is in a good health. Thanks for the technology I'm using and the chair I'm sitting in...gosh, there's a lot to thank for..
I learnt that I have to focus on all the good things that happening around me rather than being mad at some random people who spit on the sidewalk or cut the Q on the road. So here it goes.. ~____~

Things to be thankful for today;
9th January 2013

1. I reached 2000 friends on my business fb...Yay!
2. My employer is happy since Monday :)
3. I found an exit plan for my failed investment..Hooraaaay! $___$
4. Thanks for lunch.
5. The invitation cards are ready to distribute.
6.Get to c my grandmother in Sendayan.

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