Thursday, 30 May 2013

Money is just a paper with digits

Alhamdulillah for everything Allah has showered me with :) Amin.

Be Happy NOW
Do you need money? If you feel like you "need money," then according to the law of attraction you will continue to attract more circumstances and events of needing money. Find a way to be happy NOW, to feel good NOW, and be in joy NOW without the money - because being happy, feeling good, and being in joy brings money! From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda
Make Believe
Ask, Believe, Receive - just three simple steps to create whatever you want. Ask is easy. Receive is easy. But sometimes the second step, Believe, can be difficult for people. However, there's an easy way to believe; MAKE BELIEVE in your mind every day! When you make believe, it makes you believe! From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda

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