Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne

The key is to Bersyukur kpd Allah S.W.T 


When you exist in the great state of gratitude, you become a person who only wants to give. You become so grateful that it takes over your life, and you can't find enough opportunities in a day to give. You give joy, you give love, you give money, you give appreciation, you give compliments, and you give kindness. You give the best of yourself in your job, in your relationships, and to strangers.
You will know when you have really found true gratitude, because you will become a giver. One who is truly grateful cannot be anything else. - Rhonda Byrne

The Secret Facebook post
The things that come most quickly into your life are the things that you BELIEVE in the most. You can only bring to you what you BELIEVE, so you must BELIEVE to receive what you want. - Rhonda Byrne
If you believe, you will succeed
If you find yourself in a negative situation with someone in your life, take a few minutes each day to feel love within your heart for that person, and then send it out into the Universe. Just doing this one thing helps to remove any resentment, anger, or negativity you might have towards that person.

Remember that feeling resentment, anger, or any negative emotion attracts it back to you, and feeling love attracts love back to you. What you are feeling for another, you are bringing to you. - Rhonda Byrne
Think Happy, Be happy
Know yourself! Watch how you manifest the small things in life and think about how you felt inside with those things. Think about how easily they came. You will find that you thought of a small thing once and never thought about it again, and then it manifested.

What really happened was you didn't think any thoughts or speak any words which contradicted what you wanted, so the law of attraction was able to do its work. It's that easy! -Rhonda Byrne
Our highest power is love, and it's one thing each of us has an unlimited amount of. How much love do you give to others in one day? Each day we have an opportunity to set out with this great, unlimited power in our possession, and pour it over every person and circumstance.
Love is appreciating, complimenting, feeling gratitude, and saying good words to others.
We have so much love to give, and the more that we give, the more we receive. - Rhonda Byrne
Follow your Dreams
Every religion on the planet has told us to have FAITH. Faith is when you cannot see how, but you absolutely know that the moment you have the dream it is given to you, and all you have to do is relax and allow the Universe to magnetize you to your dream and your dream to you. _ Rhonda Byrne

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