Monday, 4 March 2013

Powerful Mind- A slap in the face

Yesterday : 4th March 2013

1. I discovered that when you abandoned a person and stop giving her the health consultation she need to cure her arthritis, she only got worst by her own negligent. 

I'm coming to the rescue this weekend ^^

2. I saw a photo uploaded by my husband's friend on fb. Her son's leg is burnt by her motor bike's exhaust..
it was horrendous! She was asking ppl on fb on how to heel it and we quickly call her. We're going to Seremban today to give her IG6 and aerobic oxygent.

I actually care for people. In fact, I care too much that i got emotionally attached to these people that i help. I thought once I leave that line of career I would feel better.. I would not have to face them, listen to their problems...held their hand as they suffer from cancer...and I'll stop getting death news from these people. 

Right now i can still hear my friend's nephew who has cerebral palsy...crying and gasping for air followed by a seizure...The one, his parents are too cheap to by Kington for but can spend at IKEA. 

I am wrong to punish everyone for such inhumane act by this insignificant people. I feel stupid now. 

A Slap in the Face

The last I saw the arthritis lady was at the Shahputra Colleage's 2011 i think.. I was telling her about my idea on the online health consultation thingy. She is super exited for me! I just learnt yesterday that her arthritis has worsen and she barely hold her phone now. I don't have much capitol at the time. I have none. As I hunt for a day time job so I can finance the business plan like normal zombies out there.. i went through a lot and even got killed by 'reality'. I forgotten my dreams and purpose as money and positions seems to be the measurement for success in the Zombieland. 

I'm a Sales Manager now, and what does it give me?? only confusion and hunger for money. More MOney! Always feel lacking inside. Dragged my self off bed in the morning.

Wide Awake
Now that I'm awake, I promise Allah SWT, my self, and the world that I would execute the Escaping Zombieland Mission!

Gambate Jia!!!

I already did ^__^
Ya Allah, please lead the way ..Amin.

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